Maintenance & Service

Technical management

The management and maintenance of your installations is of great importance. You extend the life span, prevent unexpected system failures and guarantee the safety of your employees. TechPoint Group B.V. is keen to remain your partner after the delivery of your installation. Our expert team deals with all your concerns and advises on the management and maintenance of your installation.


Maintenance & Service Contract

A Maintenance & Service Contract is a mix of periodic inspections, preventive maintenance and troubleshooting through on-call services. The composition of these services depends on the installation and on your wishes, as our client.


Want to know more?

Are you curious about the possibilities we can offer in the field of Maintenance & Service? Then feel free to contact one of our specialists, who will be happy to help and inform you further.

Get in touch with us

Do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment? Please contact us or send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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